- JeoDijital had provided image processing and analysis software solutions to the Technologies Center, Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan followed by a successful on-site training program(2014-2015). The center has 8 different R&D departments and laboratories that are specialized in herbal medication production, food technologies, biotechnologies, environmental protection technologies, technologies for the synthesis of new materials, energy generation and energy efficiency systems, geographic information systems, and nanotechnology on a total land of 11,400 m2.
- SEOCA ‘GEO Capacity Building Initiative in Central Asia’ FP7-ENV-2009-1 project financed by EC was completed successfully in 2012. JeoDijital, with its core expertise in EO technologies and extensive experience in remote sensing imagery data and products, contributed to the SEOCA work packages and tasks. Furthermore, JeoDijital involved in the activities for the stimulation of further introductions of GEO/GEOSS technologies to the public and private sectors of Central Asian countries.
- The Leonardo Da Vinci Mobility project ‘Earth Observation Technologies and Societal Benefit Areas – 2012-1-TR1-LEO2-38037’ financed by EU Education and Youth Programs Center was ran successfully between 17 February 2013 – 13 April 2013.
- Remote sensing and geospatial services for geothermal resource exploration, Indonesia(Anonymous Client): JeoDijital had provided remote sensing and geospatial services to support geothermal resource exploration in Indonesia by using satellite imagery and derived geospatial data processing and analysis. Relevant satellite imagery data and geospatial data products were acquired, processed and analyzed to identify potential surficial indicators that might be related to geothermal resources.
- Numerous Earth Observation(EO), geological modelling, and GIS based database design and application projects/works funded by private and public sector have been and currently being undertaken by JeoDijital. Among these include:
- 3D geological and hydrostratigraphic modelling of a basin in Turkey to determine hydrogeological properties and location of water wells(Anonymous Client).
- 3D ore-body modeling and Fe-Cu resource estimation of a mining field (Anonymous Client).
- Surface mineralogy and structural analysis mapping in selected license areas, Sudan (Anonymous Client).
- Digital Conversion of Seyfe Gölü, Sultan Sazligi, Kizilirmak Deltasi, Göksu Deltasi, Gediz Deltasi and Akyatan Gölü RAMSAR Wetland Protection Areas Geospatial Data-Sets, Turkey.
- Oil-seepage detection using SAR imagery data: Amasra off-shore Pilot Study Area, Bartin, Turkey (TPAO: Turkish Petroleum Corp.).
- Recovery of freshwater discharges along the Turkish coast: Patara-Tekirova Pilot Project supported by the Turkish Research Council of Turkey (Funded by TUBITAK)
- Geological Modelling, Open Pit Design and Production Schedulling of Limestone-Marl Fields in Bolu (OYAK Bolu Çimento A.Ş.)
- Open Pit and Underground Mining Project of Manganese Deposit in Denizli,Tavas-Ulukent (Ereğli Demir ve Çelik Fabrikaları T.A.Ş.)